feralAIR 2020 documentation

2020 was a wild ride. When everything started to slide we started to consider our options.  Thanks to the 2019 experience with our Creative Europe project feral labs network we had already tested the route we then took. Instead of canceling and zooming we decided to reload and space out with our partners. The consequence  was close to 15 artist in residence possibilities in Hallein in cooperation with four partners: Sudhaus Hallein, subnet, Akademie Hallein and feral labs network.

Here is the documentation for feralAIR

feralAIR 2020:


feralAIR 2019:

feral labs network is an EU initiative to support temporary dislocated hubs for research in art, technology and communities.

Future AIR calls with Schmiede proximity will be announced as soon as possible.
Deadlines will vary around end of May.


Schmiede21: WAR
22.SEP – 2.OKT