Jasmina Cibic at MdM Salzburg

Our Slovenian friends from Projekt Atol are coming to Salzburg to feature Jasmina Cibic and her most favourite nation.
Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Austria
05 March – 12 June 2022
The works of the London-based artist and filmmaker Jasmina Cibic (Ljubljana, SI, 1979) engage in a critical examination of nation-building and the mechanisms of soft power. The term soft power describes the indirect exercise of political power by states and actors on other states and societies. Here, culture serves as a fundamental instrument for the self-presentation of national identity and mythology. Cibic decodes these forms of political influence that are exerted on the arts and their originators, and translates them into room-filling installations, performances, and elaborately staged films.
For her first solo exhibition in an Austrian museum, the artist is developing an immersive spatial architecture in the tradition of the debating salon. It will be complemented by a selection of her films. This exhibition presents the work of an internationally renowned representative of a generation of artists who are engaging critically with the legacy of the former Yugoslavia.