HOLOBIONT. Vienna: Lecture and performance: 24.11. 18:00

we missed Lucie’s opening in October… things are dark after Schmiede.
BUT here is a lecture and performance with Jens Hauser, Thomas Feuerstein, Špela Petrič
we would like to bring to your attention.
Language as Biomedial Intervention
24. November 2022 – 18:00
Kurator:innenführung: Lucie Strecker und Thomas Feuerstein
15. Dezember 2022 – 17:30
Finissage with book presentation
20. Januar 2023 – 19:00
20. Januar 2023 – 19:00
more about: //Deutsch drunter
The concept of the holobiont, introduced in 1991 by biologist Lynn Margulis, describes us humans as a total living being permeated by the biosphere.
It explores the self-conception of individual life, links us symbiotically with other organisms via our microbiome, disturbs the division into subject and object and offends our usual concept of ego. Understanding the world as a holobiont reminds us: Life is other!
The social and psychological transformations of the pandemic and the consequences of the climate and energy crises have brought to the forefront that life is first and foremost that of agencies other than human. Simple demarcations no longer stand up to this dynamic.
‘We’ experience ‘us’ as transitory beings drifting between digital and molecular worlds and sense the twisting of boundaries within us as the possibility of a new language beyond a symbolic distance from the world. With the exhibition Holobiont. Life is Other, the Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab presents bodies, environments, texts, media, machines and biological organisms condensed into pictorial spaces – each of which represents a narrative about another life and about the lives of others.
Curated by Judith Reichart, Lucie Strecker, Thomas Feuerstein, Jens Hauser
With contributions by Art Orienté Objet, Irini Athanassakis, David Berry, Julia Borovaya, Adam Brown, Juan M. Castro & Akihiro Kubota, Tagny Duff, Thomas Feuerstein, Karmen Franinovic, Ana Maria Gomez Lopez, Luis Hernan/Pei-Ying Lin/Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa, Hideo Iwasaki, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Eduardo Kac, Roman Kirschner, Lynn Margulis/Dorion Sagan/Bruce Clarke/David McConville, Yann Marussich, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, ORLAN, Špela Petrič, Chris Salter, Maja Smrekar, Klaus Spiess/Ulla Rauter/Emanuel Gollob, Lucie Strecker/KT Zakravsky, Tina Tarpgaard, Paul Vanouse, M R Vishnuprasad, Peter Weibel, and authors of the special issue On Micorperformativity, Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, 2020, 25 (3).
Scenography: Wolfgang Fiel, Institute for cultural policy
The exhibition was curated originally for the Magazin 4 exhibition space in Bregenz. The content was adapted and expanded for display at Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL)
holobiont. (exhibit and details)
Mit der Ausstellung HOLOBIONT zeigt das Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL) Körper, Umwelten, Texte, Medien, Maschinen und biologische Organismen, die anhand verschiedener Methoden, theoretischer Konzepte, Prozesse und Metaphern über ein anderes Leben und über das Leben der Anderen erzählen: LIFE IS OTHER!
Mit Beiträgen von Art Orienté Objet, Irini Athanassakis, David Berry, Julia Borovaya, Adam Brown, Juan M. Castro & Akihiro Kubota, Tagny Duff, Thomas Feuerstein, Karmen Franinovic, Ana Maria Gomez Lopez, Luis Hernan/Pei-Ying Lin/Carolina Ramirez-Figueroa, Hideo Iwasaki, Henrik Plenge Jakobsen, Eduardo Kac, Roman Kirschner, Lynn Margulis/Dorion Sagan/Bruce Clarke, Yann Marussich, Agnes Meyer-Brandis, ORLAN, Špela Petrič, Chris Salter, Maja Smrekar, Klaus Spiess/Ulla Rauter/Emanuel Gollob, Lucie Strecker/KT Zakravsky, Tina Tarpgaard, Paul Vanouse, M R Vishnuprasad, Peter Weibel und die Autor:innen der Sonderausgabe ‚On Microperformativity‘, Performance Research: A Journal oft he Performing Arts, 2020, 25 (3)
Kuratiert von Judith Reichart, Lucie Strecker, Thomas Feuerstein, Jens Hauser und dem Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab (AIL).
Die Ausstellung wurde ursprünglich 2021 für den Ausstellungsraum Magazin 4 in Bregenz kuratiert. Für die Ausstellung im AIL in Wien wurde sie adaptiert und erweitert.
Montag bis Freitag 13 bis 18 Uhr, Donnerstag 13 bis 20 Uhr. Eintritt frei.
Ort: Angewandte Interdisciplinary Lab, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Wien
holobiont. (exhibit and details)