Schmiede turns 20. tell your friends.


Smiths and friends of Schmiede, please spread the word.
Schmiede is turning 20 and we want to celebrate with new friends and all the Smiths that can make it.

Schmiede22: Sündenbock
September 14. – 24. 2022
Apply till May 31.

After 2 successful Covid years we were hoping for a jolly 20th anniversary, but 22.2.2022 changed much again. All we can do at this point in time is to provide community and an island, please come and fill the space. We hope that you are all well and no matter the storms we want to invite you all to and back to Hallein.

The general SchmiedeProgram will follow the well tested established flow charts: Welcome, Inspiration, Networking, Party and more Inspiration, Creation, Presentation. Past programs for orientation.  A detailed program will follow before the summer.

see you in Hallein.

pic from: Der Sündenbock (1959)