
feralAIRs 24

feralAIRs 24

We are proud to announce the artists chosen for the three feralAIR slots 2024: Daniela Brill Estrada Maria Nalbantova  Alexandra Reichart & Matthias Krauß   Shapeshifting matter for an unstable universe by Daniela Brill Estrada aims to challenge entrenched hierarchical structures within Western scientific thought through collaborative artistic and theoretical practices. The project seeks to […]

Summersessions artists 2024 in Hallein

Summersessions artists 2024 in Hallein

German/Deutsch drunter: We are happy to announce  the summersessions  artists 2024 at Ynselzeit and Schmiede24.   Nabila Ernada is an Indonesian media artist and researcher. The Lending Machine / Interactive Debt Maze The Lending Machine is a multimedia art project exposing the deceptive practices of Indonesia’s P2P lending platforms within its booming fintech scene. V_1, […]

AkademieAIRs 2024

AkademieAIRs 2024

We are happy to announce the AkademieAIRs 2024. Beate Ronacher – Miriam Schmidtke – Monique Besten – Thank you for your applications. Sorry we only have three slots. AkademieAIR call 2025 will be open in spring 2025. YnselBooks AkademieAIRs  and  a list of contributors  on Schmiede24: Sloth late application is open […]

Pressekonferenz Schmiede24: Sloth und YnselZeit 2024

Pressekonferenz Schmiede24: Sloth und YnselZeit 2024

2024 wird auf der Ynsel viel passieren. Pünktlich vor dem Sommer wollen wir Einblick geben. Do, 27. Juni 2024 um 10:00 Uhr @ Szene Salzburg, Anton Neumayr-Platz 2/3. Stock Pressekonferenz Ynselzeit – Kulturmonat Hallein Schmiede24: Sloth Wir danken der Szene Salzburg für die Gastfreundschaft Wir geben einen Überblick über das Programm und stellen bereits einige […]

Welcome emails sent

Welcome emails sent

Thank you for all your applications. Please contact Eva {} In case you applied for Schmiede24: Sloth and did not receive a reply today. Please check your spam folder first. Late application opened today and will end on July 5th. The Schmiede and YnselZeit press conference will happen on June 27th at Szene Salzburg.  See […]

Schmiede Green Event Salzburg

Schmiede Green Event Salzburg

Schmiede is now an official Green Event Salzburg. Nothing will really change in Hallein. The SchmiedeKitchen will cook vegan as far as possible with regional and seasonal supplies. We will continue to encourage public transport, car sharing, recycling, reusable containers and energy efficiency in all our endeavours. We hope you as well. Schmied has always been […]