FeralAIR is calling – Rewilding Cultures
Rewilding Cultures brings back FeralAIR 🙂
1000€ Project Grant – art/maker – September – Hallein/Austria
1000€ Arbeitsstipendium – Künstlerinnen/Maker – September – Hallein
English below#########
Feral Lab Network war wunderbar und darum danken wir Creative Europe für die Weiterführung.
Rewilding Cultures wird us bis 2025 begleiten. Hier ist der begleitende CALL für 2022.
Kommt nach Hallein und arbeitet mit uns in der Saline.
Das Ziel von FeralAIR ist es, Projekte zwischen den Künsten und der Maker-Bewegung zu verbessern / zu ermöglichen sowie die Interaktionen und Projekte innerhalb des Feral Lab Network zu vertiefen.
# € 1.000,- für mindestens 3 Wochen Anwesenheit in Hallein
# Möglicher Zeitraum: 1. September bis 5. Oktober
# Zugang zur plus Arbeitsraum in der Saline im September, Schmiede Hallein und dem Feral Lab Network
# Teilnahme an der Schmiede22: Sündenbock 14. – 24. September. SchmiedeApplication ist Voraussetzung.
# Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung sind autonom zu tragen.
# Die Bewerbung soll nicht länger als drei Seiten sein und aus Konzept, Lebenslauf und Referenzen bestehen.
# Auswahl und Vergabe erfolgt über eine unabhängige Jury.
# Die Residency beginnt mit einem öffentlichen Kennenlernen (Meet the Artist, online) und endet mit einer Präsentation und Dokumentation der entstandenen Ergebnisse.
# Das Feral AIR Honorar wird 50% zu Beginn und 50% nach Dokumentation ausgezahlt.
Erwartung: Prozessdokumentation &/oder ausstellbare Arbeit
Saline Pernerinsel //Schmiede Hallein // Schmiede in 5:20
Bewerbungsfrist: 31. Mai 2022
Kontakt: office{at}schmiedehallein{dot}com
Feral Lab Network was outstanding and therefore we are super thankful to Creative Europe to letting us continue.
Rewilding Cultures will be with till 2025. Here the call for 2022.
Come to Hallein and work with us at the Saline.
Residency + Grant – Hallein – September 2020
Project Development grant for artists / makers
The aims of Feral AIR is to enhance / enable projects between the arts and the maker movement as well as deepen the interactions and projects amongst the Feral Lab Network.
The Feral AIR – is a Feral Lab Network cooperation hosted by Schmiede Hallein enabled by Creative Europe .
Key data:
# 1,000 for at least 3 weeks in Hallein
# Possible period: September 1st to October 5th
# Work space at the Saline in Hallein in September.
# Access to the Schmiede and Feral Networks.
# Participation at Schmiede22: Sündenbock September 14. – 24. SchmiedeApplication is required.
# Travel, accommodation and meals are to be carried autonomously.
# The application should not be longer than three pages and should consist of a concept, curriculum vitae and references.
# An independent jury selects and awards.
# The residency begins with a public meeting (meet the artist, online) and ends with a presentation and documentation of the results.
# The Feral AIR fee is paid 50% at the beginning and 50% after documentation.
Expectation: Process documentation &/or work that can be exhibited
Where: Saline Pernerinsel //Schmiede Hallein // Schmiede in 5:20
Deadline: May 31st 2022
contact: office{at}schmiedehallein{dot}com
Background Info: ###########################
Rewilding Cultures builds on the solid ground established by the Feral Labs Network and extends the our lab based network by adding two more feral content pillars. The pillars being: Residencies and Knowledge.
Feral Residency programmes will support and extend Feral formats, and will be a cornerstone for growing deeper community ties by working with our local communities or hubs. They will enable continuation of work started within Feral Labs and will augment the capacities of the Feral Labs.
Feral Knowledge will enhance the Feral Nodebooks and pair it with the internationally renowned art-science-technology conference series TTT (Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science). Rewilding Cultures will enable the organizers of the TTT conference series to create a new series of events, based on the Feral Labs model. The proposal is to organize TTTlabs, as annual satellite events of TTT, interdisciplinary research incubators and thinking tanks dedicated to bending the boundaries of art, science and technology while exploring alternative sources of communicating knowledge.
Both mix and offer space for theory and practice, both are places of reflection, discussion and speculation and are crucial dissemination tools, cultivating and rewilding our (Feral) activities.
Rewilding partners:
The participant organisations stem from eight European countries:
TTT – Greece
CATCH – Denmark
MAKERY – France
enabled by Creative Europe .