Labs a Schmiede20

Labs are emerging for Schmiede20 and we will post in the days to come.
As of today we assume that Schmiede20 will happen as scheduled but probably not as planned. It is still unclear how people will be allowed to travel etc. So as of today we assume that we will have a smaller group of Smiths, probably mainly Smiths living in Austria and maybe Germany. So 2020 will be the year to fill rooms. Large SmithProjects are very welcome. Please contact us if you got proposals you want to discuss:
Office AT schmiede DOT ca
We will inform as soon as there is some clarity.
Till then please apply till Mai 31st so we can prepare for you.
Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses
September 16th – 25th
Application till May 31st.
In case you want to hold a lab at Schmiede20:
the playground of ideas for peer2peer learning and prototyping is
organised into labs. A lab at Schmiede is therefore a
focused/specialised Schmiede within Schmiede. In this logic Schmiede is
the LabLab at Schmiede. Its LabLeaders are Rüdiger, Kerstin and Michi.
Labs at Schmiede are gathering points and islands of interest within Schmiede, bridging projects, labs and Smiths. A Lab can focus on anything of intereset to you, the lab leaders. Smiths with an understanding or strong focus on the content in question take action to create more. By creating a lab at Schmiede you open the door to bring together peers and support each other and your interest.
LabLeaders are Smiths Smiths can talk to if they need direction on how to approach a challenge or who to talk to with connection with the lab.
Depending on external partnerships and funds, labs can vary in size, services and complexity. Schmiede itself provides space and infrastructure at Schmiede and supports communications leading up to Schmiede.
There are labs that focus on a niche, interest or skill set. Another version is a project focused lab, which acts more like an open project development group or think/do tank. We assume there are many more possible versions.
LabLeaders do not have the obligation to solve or work on others’ problems or projects but should direct them to Smiths who can help. Honoring SchmiedeRuleOne: The autonomy of Smith must not be undermined.
LabLeaders’ priority is to create value for themselves and only as a secondary consideration for Schmiede. Our point of view: The better a lab works for the LabLeaders the better it is for Schmiede. The better Schmiede is the better are the participating Smiths and the emerging labs.
Schmiede provides for Labs:
# feature by Schmiede
# defined space at Schmiede
# supports communications leading up to Schmiede
# supports visibility leading up to Schmiede
# supports finding financial as well as infrastructural partners for labs
# refund ApplicationProcessingFee for LabLeaders
# refund food fee for LabLeaders
What Schmiede needs from the LabLeaders:
# One LabLeader needs to be the primary contact person for the SchmiedeCoreTeam.
# Lab documentation (Format will depend on the lab, we will talk, don’t worry).
is more for the development of the Lab than for Schmiede, as we
document the general process autonomously as well. However Lab
documentations are very welcome and help the SchmiedeCoreTeam to
understand Schmiede better.
On day two of Schmiede we will host open LabPresentations.
Every Lab has the possibility to present themselves and their focus.
# LabLeaders intro meeting (probably on day one in the morning).
# LabLeader feedback form and feedback meeting (probably via skype).
How to do a lab at Schmiede:
# Step one:
A LabLeader needs a good understanding of the SchmiedeContext.
LabLeaders should be returning Smiths.
# Step two:
labs at Schmiede must be accorded with Rüdiger, the early the better,
and featured by Schmiede no later than May 20th (for visibility in the
current SchmiedeApplicationProcess). It is the duty of the LabLeaders to
provide the necessary materials to the SchmiedeCoreTeam in a timely
manner (before May 10th).
# Step three:
In order to “support
finding financial as well as infrastructural partners for labs” we
advice for early communications with Rüdiger. (Fall/Winter, no later
than February).
Depending on external partnerships, funds and motivation, labs can vary in size, services and complexity.
example: Talks, Workshops etc are welcome, however Schmiede’s budget
cannot financially support the initiative. So they can be held on a
goodwill basis, ask a fee from workshop participants or have a financing
partner. Schmiede is happy to facilitate and support the quest for this
partner, however the initiative must come from the LabLeaders. These
LabPartners can then be featured online as well as in our print program.
There can be up to three official LabLeaders per lab at Schmiede.
Everyone needs to apply in order to participate at Schmiede. This includes LabLeaders as well as Kerstin, Rüdiger and Michi.
SchmiedeApplication – deadline May 31st
Lab at Schmiede:
Labs at Schmiede19
Labs at Schmiede18
Labs at Schmiede17
Labs at Schmiede16
Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs?
Contact us – Office AT schmiede DOT ca
pic from Schmiede19 AdhocLab – Ames Room