I love you so much

I just opened the feedback form for the fist time and this was the first thing I read.
I am crying. Thank you so much.


Is this the feedback form? Yes, there was a bit of feedback during the typewriter karaoke during Werkschau, but that was not too bad… No, seriously: This was one of the warmest, cosiest, most interesting, mutually respectful, overwhelming and overall best Schmiedes I ever had the luck to be part of. I don’t have a single serious complaint. If I had to search for a nitpicking detail: A slightly larger coffee machine would probably be nice. And maybe a nice and open space for live music jams, but that’s up to the Smiths to do. Honestly: I am happy, except for having to cope with the fact that it is over.


I will do a longer post in the future. I just need to share this with the world now.


Schmiede loves feedback. Please help us grow.

Short feedback box  / Smith feedback form 

and don’t forget: APPLY till May 31st


see you in Hallein