D#AVANTGARDE GenAI Lab at Schmiede24

A Laid-Back Dive into the Future of Creativity
Welcome to the GenAI Lab at this year’s Schmiede! We’re here to take a relaxed, mind-bending journey into the world of generative AI and its impact on art and creativity.


What to Expect at the GenAI Lab:
Chill Workshops: Forget the pressure—our workshops are all about exploring AI tools and techniques at your own pace. Whether you’re just curious or already a tech whiz, you’ll find something to spark your creativity and help you create cool art, music, and more with AI. Workshops: 1) AI Video with RunwayML  2) AI Image generation with Midjourney

Live Demos with a Twist: Get ready to be wowed by live demonstrations that show AI’s creative power in action. Watch as algorithms come to life, creating art in real-time and collaborating with human artists to produce unique masterpieces. Just catch us at the lab and let us show you what can be done.

Collaborative Fun: Team up with other Smiths in a relaxed setting to work on joint projects. The GenAI Lab is the perfect place to experiment, share ideas, and see what happens when different creative minds come together. Join us at our Lab – location tba

Chill Chats: Join our informal panel discussions featuring AI experts, artists, and thinkers. We’ll dive into the big questions about AI in art, ethics, and the future, all in a laid-back atmosphere where your thoughts and questions are welcome. The GenAI Lab is a great place to meet new people, share your ideas, and find potential collaborators for future projects. You are welcome to join a conversation at our Lab – we are open for discussions and whatever else you have in mind. There will be coffee and sometimes drinks 🙂 Come hang out with us at the GenAI Lab and explore how AI is reshaping the art world in a way that’s both exciting and totally chill. Discover how this new reality has changed everything and nothing, all at once.

Stephanie Meisl and the LabLeaders invite you to kick back, relax, and join the conversation. Workshops and other activities are super low-key, but you never know what might happen next!