Smiths und Freud:innen der Schmiede – Martina läd herzlichst. PIXELvienna 2024 7.-10.11.2024@ Vordere Zollamtsstraße 7, Erdgeschoß – Auditorium und Atrium, Wien Die PIXELvienna ist Österreichs bedeutendste Konferenz für digitale Kunst, Animation und Visual Effects. Unter dem Motto “The best of all Worlds” bringt die PIXELvienna 2024 führende Köpfe aus den Bereichen Animation, Games, Film und Visual Effects […]
Beni at the Burg
It was a pleasure seeing a former Smith, Beni Brachtel, on the big stage, Burgtheater. Toto oder Vielen Dank für das Leben Burgtheater by Sibylle Berg after “Vielen Dank für das Leben” Composition and Musical Direction: Beni Brachtel The story of a hermaphrodite being born in 1966 East Germany drifting through a life of nothing […]
We had the pleasure to host Daniela Brill Estrada as one of our FeralAIRs (part of Rewilding Cultures) at Schmiede24. Daniela’s artist talk at Schmiede got canceled due to a delicate combination of sickness and flooding. However now all is well and Daniela will come back to Salzburg and give us insight into her practice. […]
bin/sh Award – Crypto/Mediaart/Society/Evolution
#!/bin/sh 2 Preise zu je 0.125 Bitcoin zur freien Verwendung Wert in Euro zum Zeitpunkt der Ausschreibung 6750,- pro Preis Für Kunst- und Kulturprojekte, die zum Zusammentreffen, zur Zusammenarbeit, zur Verbindung von Menschen dienen, abseits globaler Werbeplattformen und Verwertbarkeitslogiken Teilnahmeberechtigt: Einzelpersonen, Personengruppen, österreichische Vereine Die Ausschreibung startet jedes Jahr auf der Schmiede Hallein. Einreichschluss ist […]
Some thoughts about my Artist in Residency
María Angélica Contreras has a few thoughts she wants to share. María’s residency was enabled by Culture Moves Europe Mobility Grant and AkademieAIR 2024 In May, I had the opportunity to be in residence to write the text “Secrecy of Blood” that will be part of the book co-written with Jatun Risba and Thomas Grusch, […]
feralAIRs 24
We are proud to announce the artists chosen for the three feralAIR slots 2024: Daniela Brill Estrada Maria Nalbantova Alexandra Reichart & Matthias Krauß Shapeshifting matter for an unstable universe by Daniela Brill Estrada aims to challenge entrenched hierarchical structures within Western scientific thought through collaborative artistic and theoretical practices. The project seeks to […]
AkademieAIRs 2024
We are happy to announce the AkademieAIRs 2024. Beate Ronacher – Miriam Schmidtke – Monique Besten – Thank you for your applications. Sorry we only have three slots. AkademieAIR call 2025 will be open in spring 2025. YnselBooks AkademieAIRs and a list of contributors on Schmiede24: Sloth late application is open […]
Saline will reopen with: WE ARE THE ANTI-THESIS
The Saline is reopening 🙂 we are happy. Cannot wait to see the change. Updates will follow on our Instasloth Thanks to Steph Meisl and David Fisslthaler Schmiede is also part of the show with an extensive QRcode wall – looking back, trying to grasp decades of video productions. David curated around 70 Smith videos. […]
Follow 100 days of Sloth
Let’s sloth to Slothallein together. Counting the days till Schmiede has never been easier. 100 Days of Sloth was initiated today. follow share and all the other things true sloths would do. Find daily support and wise slothtent with our spirit animal. #1 Every journey starts with breakfast in bed.
Steph on another expert panel + TV
Is the revolution devours its children? How AI is changing the film and media industry. Der Standard and FH St Pölten will broadcast the discussion tomorrow JUN6 at 13:00 sign up here. The experts at the c-tv conference on TH JUN6 13:00 The experts at the c-tv conference on Thursday Matthias Hornschuh is a composer, […]