Artificial Museum LAB at Schmiede24

Sloth news everyone!

Artificial Museum LAB
Join, Build, Test, Fail, Repeat, Show, Connect

Join the art revolution with The Artificial Museum (ARM) – an artist-run space pushing the boundaries of art and technology. Through augmented reality, we showcase independent art, defying the limits of physical space and time. We do not need space, time is irrelevant. ARM is on a mission to democratize art, breaking down barriers and bringing cultural heritage to every corner of the globe and beyond. We empower artists to create immersive experiences that inspire meaningful connections and enrich cultural exchanges. We welcome you to join us on our journey to reclaim public space.

Space: Schmiede Hallein – Saline
Time: SEP 11.-21. 2024

Artificial Museum LAB LabLeaders: Litto / Daniela Weiss, Jascha Ehrenreich
tbd: Hidéo SNES, Peter Várnai, Johannes Krumböck

Schmiede24: Sloth
SEP 11. – 21. 2024
Apply till MAY 31.
Sloth you in Hallein.

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