2024 wird auf der Ynsel viel passieren. Pünktlich vor dem Sommer wollen wir Einblick geben. Do, 27. Juni 2024 um 10:00 Uhr @ Szene Salzburg, Anton Neumayr-Platz 2/3. Stock Pressekonferenz Ynselzeit – Kulturmonat Hallein Schmiede24: Sloth Wir danken der Szene Salzburg für die Gastfreundschaft Wir geben einen Überblick über das Programm und stellen bereits einige […]
Open_Lab at Schmiede24
We are happy to announce that V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media from Rotterdam brings its successful Open_Lab format to Schmiede24, not online but for real. Practical Information: These sessions will take place on 16.9.2024 at 18:00 @ Schmiede. How to Get Involved: Everyone is welcome to join an Open_Lab session. If you want the opportunity […]
Welcome emails sent
Thank you for all your applications. Please contact Eva {office@schmiedehallein.com} In case you applied for Schmiede24: Sloth and did not receive a reply today. Please check your spam folder first. Late application opened today and will end on July 5th. The Schmiede and YnselZeit press conference will happen on June 27th at Szene Salzburg. See […]
Schmiede Green Event Salzburg
Schmiede is now an official Green Event Salzburg. Nothing will really change in Hallein. The SchmiedeKitchen will cook vegan as far as possible with regional and seasonal supplies. We will continue to encourage public transport, car sharing, recycling, reusable containers and energy efficiency in all our endeavours. We hope you as well. Schmied has always been […]
Housing List Schmiede24
Elena updated the housing list, thanks. We assume there are more options, especially the private options. Please take a look. We advice to book / organise early. For general orientation: Map of Hallein with Smith relevant points like Transport, Train, Parking etc.. we just checked public transports / we assume it will be the […]
Thanks for all the applications!
Sloth is looking good. up 20% from 2023 and late application will add more. We will keep the application online till June 5th, as there was a problem with the form last night and last week, sorry for the inconvenience. Welcome emails will go out on June 15th. Late applications will open on June15th. AkademieAIR […]
CALLS deadlining today – Application is slothing down.
Schmiede24: slothly but surely looking slothific. It will be a slothfest. So many new faces and old friends. Now we can only count the nights till we meet again. Welcome email will go out on June 15th, please check your spam. Large BCCs lead to spam folders. Schmiede24: Sloth September 11. – 21. 2024 We […]
Wow 48% up – Sloth is coming
No slothing matter: SchmiedeApplication is up 48% vs 2023. The slothalanche is shaming blood. Sloth will be a year to remember. The application was offline last week….. we are sorry inconvenience. reading your lovely applications is one of the slothiest moments of our year. here are some of the reasons why sloths wanna hang. Welcome […]
#ContentLAB™ at Schmiede24
German drunter #ContentLAB™ encourages responsible content creation. The Lab Leaders Effa, Chris and Stephan are leading industry experts by streaming 24/7 ethical #slothtent and contemporary dope vibes. The Lab invites participants to engage in constructive and positive content creation, promoting viral marketing skills to craft and share culturally relevant sloth content. PREPARE TO JOIN THE RANKS […]
JamIsland GameLab at Schmiede24
Sloth on! Deutsch drunter. JamIsland is the GamesLab embedded in Schmiede. Lasting for 3 days, the goal of JamIsland is to provide a playground for aficionados and enthusiasts alike, revolving around games and interactive media. With learning by doing being the core motivation for GameJams, the fun part is that they always result in […]